Which opportunities do cooperative models and blockchain technology offer to the platform economy? What are other potential pathways toward a more sustainable platform economy?
Today, new digital platforms for sharing, swapping and other ways of collaborative consumption are widely associated with positive economic, ecological and social effects. At the same time, existing platforms like Airbnb and Uber are increasingly criticized in public debate for having negative effects on people, local economies and our planet. As a counter model, new decentral models combining alternative organizational forms (such as platform cooperatives) and new technologies (such as Blockchain technology) are discussed and tested. These and other alternative models promise to better reach social-ecological goals and offer potential to transform the sharing and platform economy.
platforms2shareDas Programm für das zweite platforms2share Forschungskolloquium am 13. Oktober 2020 ist nun onlineBeim zweiten platforms2share Forschungskolloquium stellen WissenschaftlerInnen ihre Promotionsvorhaben und aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten vor und diskutieren diese untereinander. Weitere interessierte WissenschaftlerInnen sind herzlich eingeladen, an dem Kolloquium teilzunehmen. Thematisch geht es um Geschäftsmodelle und Organisationsformen in der Sharing Economy, um Strukturen und Governance von Plattformen und um aktuelle Entwicklungen und Dynamiken in der Plattformökonomie. | ||
platforms2shareBlock I beim zweiten platforms2share Forschungskolloquium: Modelle und Formen in der Sharing EconomyWelche Geschäftsmodelle und Organisationsformen gibt es in der Sharing Economy? Welche Rolle spielen Sharing MOdelle im Business-to-Business-Bereich? Jasmin Schreyer (Uni Stuttgart) und Karina von dem Berge (Hochschule Luzern) stellen Forschungsprojekte und -ergebnisse im ersten Block des Kolloquiums vor. | ||
platforms2shareBlock II at the platforms2share Forschungskolloquium (in English): Platform Infrastructures and Platform GovernanceHow do P2P-platforms ensure their communities‘ commitment over time? What influence do they have on shaping interactions between their community members with the design decisions they make for their platforms? Selin Öner, Kasia Gruszka and Anna Pillinger (all WU Vienn) present their insights on platform infrastructures and platform governance in the second block. | ||