
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes platforms2share wurden Veranstaltungen organisiert, oft in Kooperation mit Praxispartnern aus dem Feld. Darüber hinaus wurden (Zwischen-)Ergebnisse und Ideen auf wissenschaftlichen und praxisorientierten Veranstaltungen vorgestellt, diskutiert und gemeinsam mit Praxispartnern weiterentwickelt. 


platforms2share co-organizes session on the Potential of Cooperative Models for the Platform Economy at the EUSES (06.05.21)
How can appropriate legal frameworks and cooperative platforms ensure a better distribution of economic gains and secure social rights in the platform economy? Together with Smart Belgium, Pour la Solidarité and the Utrecht University, Dominika Wruk from platforms2share organizes this session, that addresses both, challenges that major digital platforms bring upon communities across Europe and possible solutions, both at institutional and organizational level, that can counteract these. The session takes place on the second day of the event, on May 27, 11.30 am - 1.00 pm CET mehr...


Social Economy Scientific Conference – Register now for the event on November 24 and 25, 2020 (07.11.20)
he social economy combines economic activity with social impact and may serve as a catalyst for societal change toward more sustainability. Understanding and shaping the current and future role of the social economy is the goal of the Social Economy Scientific Conference. A vibrant network of distinguished social economy researchers will discuss the potential of the social economy to rethink and reshape socio-econo¬mic spaces. Dominika Wruk from platforms2share is co-organizer of the conference and will host a session on the social economy as part of an ecosystem.
Register now to participate in the conference: mehr...
Das Programm für das zweite platforms2share Forschungskolloquium am 13. Oktober 2020 ist nun online (23.09.20)
Beim zweiten platforms2share Forschungskolloquium stellen WissenschaftlerInnen ihre Promotionsvorhaben und aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten vor und diskutieren diese untereinander. Weitere interessierte WissenschaftlerInnen sind herzlich eingeladen, an dem Kolloquium teilzunehmen. Thematisch geht es um Geschäftsmodelle und Organisationsformen in der Sharing Economy, um Strukturen und Governance von Plattformen und um aktuelle Entwicklungen und Dynamiken in der Plattformökonomie. mehr...
Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk beim Mannheim Social Economy Forum am 29. April 2020 (30.06.20)
Beim ersten Mannheim Social Economy Forum, stellt Dominika Wruk Forschungsergebnisse zu aktuellen Ausgestaltungsformen von Organisationen in der Sharing Economy und zu möglichen Entwicklungen vor. mehr...
Ela Kagel von SUPERMARKT Berlin beim Mannheim Social Economy Summit am 29. April 2020 (30.06.20)
Ela Kagel berichtet in ihrem Beitrag "Platform Coops - Auf dem Weg zu einer kooperativen digitalen Wirtschaft in Europa" über die Entwicklung, Herausforderungen und Ziele von Platform Coops in Europa. Sie stellt Beispiele aus der Praxis vor. Im Fokus stehen Themen wie Eigentum, Mitbestimmung und digitales Ökosystem. mehr...
Call for Contributions für sechstes i-share Symposium und zweites platforms2share Forschungskolloquium am 19./20. Mai in Mannheim (15.01.20)
Im Rahmen des sechsten i-share Symposiums wollen wir folgenden Fragen nachgehen: Wie haben sich Sharing und Platform Economy in den letzten Jahren entwickelt? Welche Chancen gibt es für neue Organisationsformen und mit welchen Herausforderungen sind sie konfrontiert? Welche Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft lassen sich beobachten? Beim anschließenden platforms2share Forschungskolloquium werden laufende Forschungs- und Promotionsvorhaben zur Platform Economy diskutiert. mehr...


Platform Coop Learning Journey: Insights and written documentation (14.01.20)
In May 2019, together with several partners, we invited cooperatives from Belgium and Germany to a two-day event in Berlin, to give them the opportunity to exchange experiences and learnings and to create a network that allows future collaborations in the areas of items sharing, freelancing, housing, carsharing and IT. mehr...
platforms2share Research Colloquium: Fruitful discussions at first colloquium in Mannheim (26.11.19)
On October 23rd 2019, the platforms2share research colloquium took place at the University of Mannheim. The research group and the quests discussed current findings and next steps. mehr...
Platform Coops Berlin: Building a Local Food Delivery Network (24.10.19)
On October 22nd, platforms2share co-organized an event that aimed to support a local initiative of former Deliveroo riders. The event brought together former Deliveroo riders and supporters at SUPERMARKT Berlin in order to discuss the next steps of building a local food delivery network and for getting it off the ground. mehr...
How are sharing organizations’ business models linked to values? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019 (06.09.19)
Dominika Wruk from platforms2share together with her co-authors Achim Oberg, Jennifer Klutt & Indre Maurer developed an approach to analyze how business models and values are linked. Applying this approach in the context of the sharing economy, they found two strategies to link models and values: Grassrots initiatives mainly address sustainability values while platform-based organizations mainly address economic values. It will be interesting to see, whether platform cooperatives represent a hybrid model by linking a platform business model to sustainability values. mehr...
Is the Sharing Economy a Field? Paper on how a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations presented at the European Goup of Orgainzation Studies Colloquium 2019 (06.08.19)
In their exploratory study, the platforms2share researchers find that sharing organizations receive attention, resources and legitimation from a „disruptive field“ of organizations including tech-media and venture capitalists – a field that initiates and support technological innovation which potentially disrupt existing fields and industries. So far, the field pays attention to dominant models in the sharing economy such as Airbnb or Uber. The authors published the chapter in the renowned series „Research in the Sociology of Organizations“. mehr...
Platform Coop Learning Journey: Insights and video ducumentation (30.05.19)
Mid of May, a delegation of platform coops from Belgium visited Berlin for a two-day learning journey organized by SUPERMARKT Berlin with the organisational and financial support of BeShared and platforms2share. mehr...
Platform Coop Learning Journey: Invitation to joint event (30.04.19)
The teams of SMart Belgium, platforms2share, and SUPERMARKT are partnering up to provide a unique learning journey for platform coops with support from the Enterprise Europe Network and the two EU-funded projects BeShared and EU-GIVE. mehr...


platforms2share co-organizes session at Ökobilanz-Werkstatt in Osnabrück (10.11.18)
In October 2018, Michael Jäger from platforms2share co-organized the session „Beyond Production – about the relevance of the use phase in life cycle assessment" at the 14th Ökobilanz-Werkstatt in Osnabrück, a conference on life cycle assessement (LCA) hosted by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation). mehr...
platforms2share workshop: How to succeed in the platform economy? (26.10.18)
On Octorber 17th 2018, platforms2share hosted a workshop for its partners in the field discussing aspects of how to sustain the digital platform economy. The workshop aimed for a better understanding of differnt market levels relevant for regulating the platform economy. mehr...
platforms2share at VÖW Herbstakademie "Sharing at the City" (10.10.18)
What forms of sharing contribute to more sustainable lifestyles and how do they diffuse? How do established firms deal with the sharing trend and what implications does this have for their environment? These questions guided the VÖW Herbstakademie 2018. Dominika Wruk from platforms2share discussed at the final panel challenges of sharing organizations "between voluntary work and business". mehr...
How to WEconomize local infrastructures? Documentation of the event (02.07.18)
Dr. Yair Friedman and Dr. Zafrir Bloch-David from Tel Aviv present their work at WEconomize. They present and discuss projects on Sharing Value in Local Communities & the Role of Municipalities in Israel. mehr...
How to WEconomize local infrastructures? Invitation to talk and discussion (29.05.18)
platforms2share & Platform Coops Berlin invite to a joint workshop. Zafrir Bloch-Davin and Yair Friedman from WEconomize in Tel Aviv, Israel, will present and discuss two current projects on local ecosystems and platforms. mehr...
platforms2share Workshop: A successful kick-off with partners from the field (30.03.18)
platforms2share invited partners from the field to jointly exploring the needs and interests and to co-design research questions. We want to than all participants for an insightful day full of interesting discussions and ideas! mehr...


Junior Research Group platforms2share kicked-off! (15.06.17)
Which opportunities do cooperative models and blockchain technology offer to the sharing economy? The junior research group platforms2share will investigate this question in the coming years. mehr...