Local governments and municipalities are faced with unique challenges never previously encountered. Simultaneously, technology has offered new and promising possibilities to engage communities in decision-making and co-creation. The fast pace of those changes call for a new paradigm in the way leaders and their communities interact.
The Responsive Gov Summit will provide leaders with the knowledge, tools , and necessary methods and structures to adapt to this changing environment. As a dynamic conference that will ask for active participation from its attendees, Responsive Gov's mission is to connect innovators with leaders to identify and set a direction for the future of their collaboration with communities.
Topics include:
collective intelligence & social participation
- Community's changing role: the implications of widespread information, citizens as actors instead of spectators
- Stakeholder involvement: crowd-sourcing innovation, attaining credibility and accountability
- Citizen engagement: why, how to, and best practices
- Civic technologies: available tools and how to leverage them
responsive governance & smart decision making
- Community feedback: how to gather, what to make of it, and how to respond
- Leading for the public: agile and lean methodologies to analyze information and iterate appropriately and efficiently
- Organizational transformation, co-creation and participation
open government & data
- The basics: availability and access, re-use and redistribution and universal participation
- Open government and data as a facilitator: for public involvement, economic growth and invention
- An opportunity and portal for collaboration in and between cities
Find more information at http://www.responsivegovsummit.org