
In diesem Beitrag vergleichen Johanna Mair, Nikolas Rathert und Georg Reischauer Sozialunternehmen und Sharing Economy Organisationen hinsichtlich der Rolle von Gemeinschaft und Wachstum.
The sharing economy and its consequences for economy, society and the natural environment are subject to heated public and academic debates. In their current article, Dominika Wruk, Achim Oberg and Marina Friedrich-Schiebeck from the i-share team discuss how approaches to quantification can contribute to a socially desirable transformation of the sharing economy. The article has recently been published in GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society.
Die Sharing Economy und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Gesellschaft werden in Wissenschaft und Praxis hitzig debattiert. In ihrem aktuellen Beitrag diskutieren Dominika Wruk, Achim Oberg und Marina Friedrich-Schiebeck aus dem i-share Team wie Ansätze zur Quantifizierung der Sharing Economy dazu beitragen können, eine gesellschaftlich erwünschte Transformation voranzutreiben. Der Artikel wurde kürzlich in dem Journal "GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society" veröffentlicht.
Dominika Wruk, Achim Oberg, Indre Maurer und Jennifer Klutt veröffentlichen Ergebnisse ihrer Analyse in dem Artikel "Types of business models in the sharing economy: An exploratory study in Germany" im Best Paper Proceedings zum 5ten IWSE.
Dominika Wruk, Achim Oberg, Indre Maurer and Jennifer Klutt present results of their analysis in the article "Types of business models in the sharing economy: An exploratory study in Germany", published in the 5th IWSE Best Paper Proceedings.
On October 22nd, platforms2share co-organized an event that aimed to support a local initiative of former Deliveroo riders. The event brought together former Deliveroo riders and supporters at SUPERMARKT Berlin in order to discuss the next steps of building a local food delivery network and for getting it off the ground.
Philipp C. Mosmann und Peter Karl Becker zeigen anhand urbaner Gemeinschaftsgärten auf, welcher Beitrag zur Wertschöpfung davon ausgeht und wie sich die modernen Gemeinschaftsgärten in die Geschichte der Gartennutzung einreihen.
Philipp C. Mosmann erfasst in seinem Paper die Vielfalt an Geschäftsmodellen und Formen gemeinschaftlicher Ressourcennutzung und stellt eine Verbindung zur modernen Sharing Economy her, indem er das „Historical Honeycomb of the Sharing Economy“ einführt. Er zeigt damit auf, wie die Sharing Economy historische Modelle und Formen imitiert und transformiert, um tradierte Praktiken und Strukturen aufzuzeigen.
Dominika Wruk from platforms2share together with her co-authors Achim Oberg, Jennifer Klutt & Indre Maurer developed an approach to analyze how business models and values are linked. Applying this approach in the context of the sharing economy, they found two strategies to link models and values: Grassrots initiatives mainly address sustainability values while platform-based organizations mainly address economic values. It will be interesting to see, whether platform cooperatives represent a hybrid model by linking a platform business model to sustainability values.
In their exploratory study, the platforms2share researchers find that sharing organizations receive attention, resources and legitimation from a „disruptive field“ of organizations including tech-media and venture capitalists – a field that initiates and support technological innovation which potentially disrupt existing fields and industries. So far, the field pays attention to dominant models in the sharing economy such as Airbnb or Uber. The authors published the chapter in the renowned series „Research in the Sociology of Organizations“.
News erstellen
Sozialunternehmen = Sharing Economy Organisationen?
Renaissance of Shared Resource Use? The Historical Honeycomb of the Sharing Economy
Platform Coops Berlin: Building a Local Food Delivery Network
Eine Renaissance gemeinschaftlicher Ressourcennutzung? Das Historical Honeycomb der Sharing Economy
Welchen Nutzen haben Ansätze zur Quantifizierung der Sharing Economy und wie können sie aussehen?
What are advantages of quantifying the sharing economy and how can we do it?
What types of business models exist in the sharing economy?
Welche Typen von Geschäftsmodellen gibt es in der Sharing Economy?
News erstellen
Is the Sharing Economy a Field? Paper on how a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations presented at the European Goup of Orgainzation Studies Colloquium 2019
How are sharing organizations’ business models linked to values? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019